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Complaints, FAQs, and Record Requests

Do you have questions, complaints, or random requests? We have your answers.

Report an issue

The Northern Kentucky Health Department responds to complaints for the following topics:

  • Food safety
  • Public health nuisances occurring outdoors or inside public buildings
  • Mosquitoes in standing water
  • Sewage discharge

For animal bites, please call the Health Department at 859-341-4151 and complete the Animal Bite Incident Form.

NKY Health DOES NOT have a program to address the interior conditions (e.g. mold, leaks, non-functioning appliances, bed bugs, roaches, etc.) of residential properties (i.e. apartments, condos, houses, etc.). Please do not file a complaint regarding such issues. You are recommended to contact your landlord (or condo association, if applicable) and the Code Enforcement Office for the city and/or county where the property is located. Renters may also wish to contact the Housing Authority of Greater Cincinnati (513-751-2567), which is a non-profit organization that assists tenants in dealings with landlords.

What To Do If…

I need to make an appointment for a health exam, service, or WIC.

Please contact the county health center most convenient to you to schedule an appointment.

I need to receive services at a health center. How much will it cost?

While many services provided at our health centers are available at a low cost to clients, most services are not free. It can be hard to know ahead of time what health services an individual may need, and so predicting the cost in advance can be difficult. The Health Department provides many programs on a sliding-fee scale, based on the patient’s income and household size. Kentucky Medicaid is accepted, as are credit/debit cards. Payment plans can be set up. No one is turned away for inability to pay.

I need to transfer my child’s immunization records to a Kentucky form.

The Health Department’s health centers can provide Kentucky immunization certificates. Please contact the center most convenient to you for additional information.

I need travel immunization.

The Health Department does not provide most vaccines required for international travel. Please contact St. Elizabeth Healthcare’s business health office at 859-301-2999 or check with retail health clinics inside local grocery stores and pharmacies.

I need a TB skin test.

TB skin tests are available by appointment at the health centers. Please call the center most convenient for you to schedule an appointment.

Please note that the Health Department’s fees for TB testing may be higher than other providers. If you are required to have the test for job or volunteer position, please check that the agency that you will volunteering or working with doesn’t offer TB skin tests for free or at a reduced rate. Testing can also be done through St. Elizabeth Healthcare’s business health office at 859-301-2999 or at retail health clinics inside local grocery stores and pharmacies.

I need to obtain a birth certificate.

The Health Department does not issue birth certificates locally. They must be obtained through the Kentucky Office of Vital Statistics.

I would like to get certified in CPR or First Aid.

Local providers of first aid and CPR training include:

I would like the Health Department to attend my fair or event.

Please fill out the Community Health Fair/Career Fair Request form. Please note that requests must be received at least four weeks prior to the event.

I applied for a job at the Health Department. When will I hear back?

All positions with the Health Department are posted on the Job Opportunities page. Please note that you must submit your resume or application through Career Builder each time you see a posting for a position that interests you.

If you have submitted your resume or application for a position, CareerBuilder should notify you that your application has been accepted. Health Department staff will contact you within 90 days to set up an interview if we determine that you are one of the best qualified for the position. If you do not hear from the Health Department within 90 days, then you may wish to apply another time.

I want to notify the Health Department about conditions at a local restaurant or other food service establishment.

Please call the Health Department at 859-341-4151 or file a public health complaint using the link above.

I want to report smoking in a local business.

Kenton County, Bellevue, Dayton, Corinth, Highland Heights, and Williamstown, Ky., all have ordinances in place prohibiting smoking in indoor public spaces. Learn more about these ordinances and how to file a complaint.

I need to obtain a food permit for a booth at a fair or festival.

I want to operate a food business out of my home.

Kentucky residents are allowed to produce or process whole fruits and vegetables, mixed-greens, jams, jellies, sweet sorghum syrup, preserves, fruit butter, bread, fruit pies, cakes, and cookies in their home kitchen without being permitted or registered. Home-based processed food items may be sold directly to consumers within the state of Kentucky, including from the home-based processor’s home by pick-up or delivery, farmers’ markets, roadside stands, community events, or online.

The home-based processing program is administered by the Kentucky Department for Public Health, Food Safety Branch. For additional questions, please contact the Food Safety Branch at 502-564-7181.

I need to register for the food managers class or cancel/ change my existing registration.

More information about the class. To cancel or change an existing registration, please call 859-341-4151.

I am conducting a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment.

Please see our Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment page to find out what items the Health Department can report on and how to submit these requests.

I have wastewater backing up in my basement from public sewers. How can I prevent this?

Contact Sanitation District No. 1 (SD1) to report a sewer emergency and get information about their basement backup assistance program at

I need to have a test performed on my cistern.

I want to report bed bugs or other health issues at a local hotel.

Please contact the Health Department at 859-341-4151.

I am concerned about health conditions in an apartment or rental property.

The Health Department does not typically have authority over conditions in a private residence. If you have concerns about things like mold or bed bugs that are not being addressed by the landlord/building manager, you may want to contact the code enforcement office in the city or county in which the unit is located. The Housing Authority of Greater Cincinnati (513-751-2567) may also be able to assist with landlord/tenant issues in Northern Kentucky.

I need to reach an employee at the Health Department, and I know his/her name.

To email Health Department staff, please use the following email format: For a phone directory by name, please call 859-341-4264 and select option #8.

Public Records

Because we are a governmental agency, many of the Health Department materials are available to the public under Kentucky’s open records law.

This includes items such as books, papers, maps, photographs, recordings, cards, tapes, software, electronic data, or other documentation that is either prepared, owned, used, in possession of, or retained by public agency or are related to functions/activities of public agency.

To request public records, please fill out an Open Records Request Form.

Note: If you are requesting a public record for an onsite septic system, you will need to complete both an Open Records Request Form and an Onsite Sewage Request for Public Records Attachment Form

Email completed form(s) to Steve Divine ( Completed forms can also be delivered to:

NKY Health
ATTN: Steve Divine
8001 Veterans Memorial Drive
Florence, KY  41042

Location of Financial Information

Department for Local Government

The adopted budget, financial statements and most recent audits may be examined by the public by appointment for the following entities at the listed locations:

Northern Kentucky Independent District Health Department (serving Boone, Campbell, Grant and Kenton Counties)
Boone County Public Health Taxing District
Campbell County Public Health Taxing District
Kenton County Public Health Taxing District
8001 Veterans Memorial Drive, Florence, KY 41042

Grant County Public Health Taxing District
203 South Main Street
Williamstown, KY 41097

Connect With Us

Northern Kentucky Health Department
8001 Veterans Memorial Drive
Florence, KY 41042
859-341-4264 (phone)
859-578-3689 (fax)
7-1-1 (TTY)

Please note: The Health Department cannot offer medical advice or diagnosis through this website or over email. If you have a medical question or need to send documents to our medical staff, please contact our county health centers.

Media & Press Inquiries

Skip Tate Public Information Officer
Media Phone:  859-462-7090

After Hours

For emergencies occurring outside of normal business hours, please contact the appropriate authorities or seek the necessary medical attention. Local first responders and health care providers have after hours contact information for Health Department staff and will make the necessary contacts.

To report an infectious disease or infectious disease outbreak outside of normal business hours, please contact the on-call Epidemiologist at 859-391-5357. During regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) call 859-363-2070.