
Temporary food operators in Kentucky, unless specifically exempted, must obtain a permit to operate and be inspected by the Health Department prior to opening.

In Northern Kentucky, the permit application and necessary fee must be submitted to the Health Department at least three business days prior to the event’s start date.  In order to receive a refund, NKY Health must be notified of cancellations at least 24 hours in advance.

Application for a temporary permit: WordPDF


Operating 1-3 days $60
Operating 4-7 days $90
Operating 8-14 days $125


Learn more about the requirements for operating a temporary food service establishment.

Temporary Food Permit Requirements Checklist

Food from establishments licensed outside of Kentucky

Vendors with food service licenses in Ohio and Indiana often ask about bringing prepared food items in to Northern Kentucky to serve or sell. Out-of-state licensed restaurants need to supply a copy of their operating permit and last regular inspection when applying for a temporary food permit.

More information

  • Brittany Fultz – or 859-363-2026
  • Kevin Kellner – or 859-363-2017
  • Email –