Environmental Health Services
Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments
When commercial property is bought, sold or redeveloped, a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment is often required. This report looks at previous known uses of the property and any potential environmental impacts associated with it.
Most records related to these assessments are held by other agencies. For example, the Kentucky Division of Water should be contacted at 859-525-4923 to request records for the following:
- Underground storage tanks
- Disposal sites
- Wells
- Waste management
- Air quality
- Water quality
The Health Department typically only has applicable records for septic systems installed on a property after 1982.
How to submit a request
If you would like to request records from the Health Department, please submit your written request on your company’s letterhead by mail to:
Northern Kentucky Health Department
Environmental Health and Safety
8001 Veterans Memorial Drive
Florence, KY 41042
Submit your written request on your company’s letterhead by fax to 859-578-7871.
What to include
Specify in your letter the property’s:
- Full address
- Name of existing facility at the site
- Nature of information being requested
- Other pertinent information
State that this is regarding an Environmental Site Assessment. If you know of specific existing documents that may be in our files that you would like to request copies of, you will need to complete both an Open Records Request Form and an Onsite Sewage Request for Public Records Attachment Form. Include your contact information in case our office has any questions regarding your request.
Email the completed forms to Steve Divine (steve.divine@nkyhealth.org). Completed forms can also be delivered to:
NKY Health
ATTN: Steve Divine
8001 Veterans Memorial Drive
Florence, KY 41042
Based on your request, the Health Department will return a standard response form to you indicating the result of our records search and any additional steps that may be recommended to you.
More information
Please contact the Health Department nkywebmaster@nkyhealth.org or call 859-341-4151.